Friday, October 3, 2014

3 Keys to Surviving Life's Storms - Key 2 - Your Heart

Storms in life can kill us or they can make us stronger.  Yesterday we looked at how prayer helps us to weather the storms and today we will continue with key #2....

2.  Your Heart –

Storms come in our lives for various reasons and sometimes they involve other people.  Fleshly nature can cause us to quickly judge the other person and give all of our focus and attention to what “they” did or are doing wrong.  

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 Can I just be honest and real with you for a minute?  I spent many days guilty of this!  Very guilty.  Those days I spent trying to get the speck out of the other person’s eye, left me full of bitterness, resentment and anger.  I don’t know about you – but I don’t remember THOSE being fruits of the Spirit. 

After several weeks of just living in pure sourness, my eyes were open and God began revealing TRUTH to me.  While some people could look at my situation and tell me that the circumstances surrounding my storm justified me to look at the other person’s actions as unjust and that THEY were the one that needed to change, the TRUTH is the only person in the situation I could control was ME….and boy, was I out of control!!  

The fact that I was so bitter, well, that was bad enough but God showed me that there were other lessons to be learned during this storm and they were lessons for ME!  I had to allow my heart to be moldable and open to God. 

Once I stopped trying to control the situation, surrendered myself to God and trusted Him with the outcome, everything in me changed.  Circumstances didn’t change but my outlook did.  I’m serious – God turned my mourning into dancing; I was able to face the storm with my umbrella in hand, jump in the puddles and even dance in the rain.

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Tomorrow we will finish up with the last key to weathering the storms of life......just STAND.

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