Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Cherish Each Moment

back to school

Yesterday marked another milestone in our family.....the 1st day of school 2014.  This year is unlike those before as we have one entering into his last year of middle school and the other starting her last year of elementary school.  That means that soon, I will no longer have any children in elementary school.....can that even be true? 

It's hard for me to imagine that not so very long ago, I was washing bottles, changing diapers and pushing them around in the buggy at Wal-Mart.  Just WHERE did the time go? 

It's definitely bittersweet watching your kids grow up.  I remember thinking the sleepless nights and cries to be carried throughout the mall would last forever but little did I know that soon they'd be too big for me to carry (or at least comfortably). 

So, mama (or daddy) whatever season you are in - know that it won't last forever.  Cherish each moment of each day....even in the worst of days, try to find the rainbow.  One day, you will long for a time when you can read just one more story at bedtime.....or just one more ________.   

And yes, I even have to remind myself to enjoy the season of parenting a teen and tween cause I know that just as the toddler years FLEW by - these will as well.  I'm choosing to cherish each moment of each day because they go by way too quickly. 

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens"
Ecclesiastes 3:1

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Let Your Words Be Life

This morning I woke up to a very simple message in my inbox that tore me at my core.  My first response was one of anger and then it turned to hurt.  I wanted to respond back to this person and just tell them exactly how I felt....to plead my case in this situation they were mentioning.  I knew they only had one side of the story and my flesh wanted them to hear mine.  But I waited.

Through my wait, I knew that God was giving me a choice.  He had laid 2 paths out in front of me and it was my choice which to take.  I waited.

As I waited, I heard the lyrics "Let my words be life" sing in my mind.  I knew that God was speaking to me.  I knew that even though I had justifiable reasons to be upset with this message I received, I had to let my words speak life.

So, I opened up the computer cause I was going to nicely respond but I knew it was more than I wanted to type on my smartphone.

"Let your words be life"

I closed the computer.....took out my phone and just responded with a simple "thank you" and left it at that.   I knew that nothing positive was going to come from a lengthy response.  I know who I am and more importantly, I know who I am in Jesus so I don't need to justify anything to them.   

God speaks to us daily - hour by hour - in different ways.  Are we listening?