Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What Are You Thinking?!?

Do you realize that every thought that enters your mind doesn't have to be "thought" upon?  Not all thoughts come from God or even ourselves.  The 'father of lies' (aka: Satan) likes to whisper things in our ears.

Do you also realize that Y-O-U control which thoughts you think on?  The Bible says to think on things that are true, noble, right,  pure, lovely, admirable,  excellent or praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8)

I had to remind myself of these truths this morning as I was working out.  See, for the past few months I have been getting up earlier than "necessary" in order to spend time in the Word.  (I've only been able to do this with God's help - cause by nature, I am NOT a morning person)  I've been trying to incorporate working out back into my daily routines but with our new schedule, I haven't been able to figure out how to work it in during the evenings.  After some prayer and consideration [and inspiration from a FB friend], I decided I would aim to get up early and workout in the mornings.

So, my morning schedule is like this.....get up, workout, shower, eat, study the Word then everything else.  This morning while I was jogging away on the treadmill at 5:45am ~ I felt condemnation that I wasn't studying the Word first.  I know that God should get our "first fruits" and I truly enjoy my time with Him in the mornings but because I know in my heart that if I get up at 5:30 am and head downstairs to read the Word, I will quickly end up in Dreamworld 101.

I had some internal back and forth before I simply said aloud, "Just because I choose to study the Word AFTER I work out and shower, does NOT mean I am not putting God first.  I will honor Him in song while I run on this treadmill."  I was letting the Father of LIES know that I was NOT going to be condemned for working out......I was NOT going to think on that thought.

Although, what time I work out isn't a life altering situation or very serious in matter; the same thing happens in the most serious of situations.  Don't fall for the lies of the enemy!!  Feeling unworthy?  Unloved?  Overwhelmed?  Take those whispered thoughts in your mind and examine them with the Word, dear friend, and I promise you will find the Truth.  You are a wonderful creation made in HIS image ~ God's, that is!!

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