Thursday, October 2, 2014

3 Keys to Surviving Life's Storms

 Yesterday's revelation had me revisit something I wrote last year - it was a great reminder to me of just what God has brought me through and where I know He will lead me in the future.....

We all go through storms in life –  some long and rainy, some short with hurricane force winds, and some with just a drizzle of rain – but we all go through storms. 

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I’ve been walking through a dark stormy season in my life recently and while I am still holding onto the promises of the Lord, if I’m honest with you (and myself), it’s been a hard and long roller coaster of a road.  I am praising Jesus as I can see the sun shining in the horizon and I can honestly say that I am thankful for the lessons I’ve learned along this path.  Sometimes there is no better teacher than real life experiences, huh? 

Through this recent stormy season, I’ve learned 3 important keys that helped me survive on my darkest days.  Today I’ll be sharing the first key with you –

1.  PRAY –

I’d like to say my first response to my stormy days was to pray but sadly that would not be an honest statement.  Although there were many days I prayed during my storm, there were just some days it took everything in me just to make it out of bed and be sure the kids were taken care of.  Then, there were the days that I would start to pray but then just couldn’t find the words to say.   But in the midst of it all, there were some other ways prayer intertwined through my life…

My friends prayed…….I am blessed with some close friends that committed to praying WITH and for me (what a treasure) and let me tell you, I FELT their prayers!!  Don’t ever feel ashamed or guilty when you ask for prayer – that’s what friends are for, right?  I’m not one to tell my business to everyone I meet or post it all over social media but I think it is definitely beneficial to share with a few close {safe} friends so they can encourage and lift you up to our Father in Heaven. 

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I sang………Another awesome prayer tool for me was song.  Many afternoons on my drive home from work, a particular song would come on and the words would touch my heart so strongly.  It was like God was speaking back to me what I was feeling in my heart.  Before I knew it, I would be singing from deep within and tears would be flowing.  I remember one day vividly, singing out the words to “Lord, I need you” and just crying my heart out because I DID need Him more than ever!! (You can listen to the song here)

The Holy Spirit interceded for me……But the greatest thing about prayer – is that we have the Holy Spirit.  He intercedes for us and on those days that I tried to pray but couldn’t find the words to utter, he examined my heart and interceded for me.  How amazing is it that the KING of the universe knows my heart and prayed for me?  That is mind blowing….

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